Today i am absence to school again... i have a bit cough and fever but it does not matter... but my head seem like a bit heavy and even i am conscious , i still feel i am dreaming. Cant differenciate i am in life or in dream actually. But my sister say i am lazy, alright... may be i am.....
Have a nice time with su shyan and my sister today. A nice movie, although is a bit odd actually....
Anyway, i felt happy that somebody accompany me go out and take a walk or gathering. There are less people in Jaya Jusco Cheras Selatan, but i like it, sometime a kind of peach is a luxurious for me. A malay tradition music player, playing a kind of block of bamboo cylinder. the sounds are nice, and awesome so.
Seeking the others 鬼吹灯 episode, a bit disappointed. No new stock yet, but my sister keep dawn herself into her idol magazine. Kidda silly but she seem cute, she beauty too.... no doubt.
Soon be my english presentation, i hate it, all my teammate all seem sloth enough and i am headache how to score a good mark when trial exam. maybe i will give up so... because MUET exam pass already... Haha... i am a bit irresponsible, but i really hate to present my idea in front of my class mate. Why? because they never listen to me....
Perhaps, i can get a nice gift to Huei Zhi, i wonder what should girls likes for gift. A DVD? A Books? A shirt or blouse? or a fluff doll? Confusing.... but i wish i can gift something to her, she is a special girls. In all my friends. ( I should apologize, she is not my type....)
August... coming soon... with this, about 4 people will have their birthday , i am quite pity, my birthday is on November, that time is for final exam, or holidays, or part time jobs golden time. Less and less people will remember thats. Any way, at lease cute su shyan would always get it ^^. Good buddy~
Today the weather is hot and clam, without wind, and influence my mood so......
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
29th July
Finally i finish my all chemistry report, today teacher start to configure our marks, she gonna went for new birth of her baby. I like this chemistry teacher very much, although sometime she a bit mad, but consider she as pregnant women, i still like her attitude. These day she went into class like normal, but with her big stomach, just like a going burst balloon, is kidda funny but i feel a bit admired and respect. She was thin, and short than me even. But anyway she holding a big stomach which would be a weight for her.
She said this is her 1st baby, wow.... nice... i do not know either is girl or boy, because i have no chance and reason to ask so... anyway, i wish i can watch her baby, maybe after our exam. i wonder would the baby handsome or pretty or cute? Imaging....
Back to topic, i have 7 chapter handout gonna complete.... iknew she was a good teacher but i do not wish i get blast from her. Pregnant women cant get ride of mad, is not good for child~~ Haha...
A new life born, with a long time raising. Amazing huh???
My friend, her grandmom pass away so, bless for her grandmom..... i dunno what to do, is amazing when give a life born, in fact, a life would be taken instantly and unexpected.
May be is time to enjoy what should i am having now. ^^
She said this is her 1st baby, wow.... nice... i do not know either is girl or boy, because i have no chance and reason to ask so... anyway, i wish i can watch her baby, maybe after our exam. i wonder would the baby handsome or pretty or cute? Imaging....
Back to topic, i have 7 chapter handout gonna complete.... iknew she was a good teacher but i do not wish i get blast from her. Pregnant women cant get ride of mad, is not good for child~~ Haha...
A new life born, with a long time raising. Amazing huh???
My friend, her grandmom pass away so, bless for her grandmom..... i dunno what to do, is amazing when give a life born, in fact, a life would be taken instantly and unexpected.
May be is time to enjoy what should i am having now. ^^
Saturday, July 26, 2008
26th July
4.09pm cloudy
Sometime i really feel disappointed that i cant even master my language. Either in English, Mandarine or Malay... Kidda disappointed. Yesterday, my english teacher check my handout which i going to present afterward. " Odd sentence, what is this? just a worse draft, make me headache... how do i should mark on this?" said teacher. Alright.. honestly my english is poor, not like others, some able to write a marvelous essay, some can speak extremely fluently although on the stage. I am quite admire them... imaging if i was them, i really satisfied.
Today i absent to school again, i do not like to attend school. Stay in class, although there are many joke, topic discussion and study group. But i do not interest, i like mandarine books, i like music, and i like games. They just like study, english literature,and songs. Totally different between us.... what should i do???
Sometime i really feel disappointed that i cant even master my language. Either in English, Mandarine or Malay... Kidda disappointed. Yesterday, my english teacher check my handout which i going to present afterward. " Odd sentence, what is this? just a worse draft, make me headache... how do i should mark on this?" said teacher. Alright.. honestly my english is poor, not like others, some able to write a marvelous essay, some can speak extremely fluently although on the stage. I am quite admire them... imaging if i was them, i really satisfied.
Today i absent to school again, i do not like to attend school. Stay in class, although there are many joke, topic discussion and study group. But i do not interest, i like mandarine books, i like music, and i like games. They just like study, english literature,and songs. Totally different between us.... what should i do???
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
虽然书里的文法,语言都跟我的华语了解程度又极度大的落差,但是奇怪的事,怎么我就是明白这些胡言乱语甚至是有点神经病的对话?难不成我生下来就像书里的胡八一,是名盗墓贼??? 倒斗的工夫其实乍看下,我也蛮感兴趣的~~~~呵呵呵呵~~~真有机会我也想去学两手,当然不是盗墓,我反倒想造墓~~因为我对水木工城镇的蛮有憧憬啊~~~呵呵呵呵~~~以其破坏那么维美及精密设计的古墓,倒不如开发出来供人欣赏更实际~~~ 开间博物馆来展览,肯定可以大受欢迎~~~哇哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~~~~(幻想ing)
说倒容易,小说归小说,现实归现实,我还是回去当我的啃书呆包子吧~~(继续我的鬼吹灯II=怒靖湘西~~~刚刚吞完了 黄皮子坟 还有南海归虚,实在着了迷哦~~)
呵呵呵呵~~~满推荐哦~~大家在popular bookshop就可以看到了~~~ 喜欢小说的可以去看看,要跟我借也行!!等我把这些新书给翻旧了再说 :D
Friday, July 18, 2008
Malaysia University English Test,哇。。。。。看起来好像很难哦, 我去年考第一次也只是拿了一个low band 3.当时还以为这个考试震得很有水准耶,什么时候马来西亚有个那么厉害的教育制度哦?可喜可贺耶~~~
混账, 什么可喜可贺?! 才那么band 3叫我怎么进大学阿,英文文章每天被批严重离题, 不然就是grammer structure and vocabulary immature. 还被英文老师鸟到臭头。。。。 可恶!!! 当时头皮头发头壳头脑都统统被抓伤了。 结果。。。立刻跑去跟负责老师讨了一张resit examination form 来, 打算做最后一次拼命。。。 你问我有信心么?我跟你说, !!完!!全!!没!!有!!
那么我还考来干嘛?那张slip拿来炒鸡蛋么?我也只能说一个非常简单的理由, 为了封住我家里两个长老的嘴, 仅此而已.....
好了, 今年年头又来一次补考,出了考场, 依然像去年的情景一半,嬉皮笑脸走着出来,板着脸回到家。心里都有个谱了, 应该和上次也差不多吧?反正我语文课超级烂,烂到全班应该都没有人比我烂那种程度= _= ll
过了3个月,突然间有朋友走过来,“喂,MUET考得怎样?”, 我愣了, 今天出成绩咩? =_= ll 好像完全忘了这回事耶。。。。但是, 竟然不敢sms去询问成绩了, 怕死新作蒜...等到了全部人差不多知道到了, 自己才偷偷的在桌底下sms,=—=ll 反正我的成绩没有人鸟我,我也不是那种一考就考到band 6 的 gigantic red star feller. 算了啦!!band 3 就band 3,顶多不要去大学罢了, 老子在form 6就好像在大学了拉,还进去干吗??
You have
1 message from 39003
your band achieved, band 4
虾米???!? 瓦靠!!这样都band 4 O.O,真的天没眼咯!!!瓦卡咔咔~~~(奸笑中~~~)
也许使我高兴得太早,老师说,我们的水准根本没有进步, 只是不知道为什么突然间全部突然间那么高分。其实想一想,也对哦,好像我班上的副班长,本来只是band3 upper,现在竟然band 5 O.O,就连他自己都不信呢。。。另外全部band 3 lower or band 2 upper的, 统统不是band 3 upper就是badn 4 mid.这个解释些什么呢?
MUET 沦落成Matrikulasi的烂臭水准咯...........瞎子都明白阿==
不是我强,只是改考卷的人故意让我强. (PS: 看到名字前面有个Malaysia的test,少考为妙,考得好不是你聪明,不如去考singapura那个test更实际,至少standard不会被spoil掉啊,你说对否?"
混账, 什么可喜可贺?! 才那么band 3叫我怎么进大学阿,英文文章每天被批严重离题, 不然就是grammer structure and vocabulary immature. 还被英文老师鸟到臭头。。。。 可恶!!! 当时头皮头发头壳头脑都统统被抓伤了。 结果。。。立刻跑去跟负责老师讨了一张resit examination form 来, 打算做最后一次拼命。。。 你问我有信心么?我跟你说, !!完!!全!!没!!有!!
那么我还考来干嘛?那张slip拿来炒鸡蛋么?我也只能说一个非常简单的理由, 为了封住我家里两个长老的嘴, 仅此而已.....
好了, 今年年头又来一次补考,出了考场, 依然像去年的情景一半,嬉皮笑脸走着出来,板着脸回到家。心里都有个谱了, 应该和上次也差不多吧?反正我语文课超级烂,烂到全班应该都没有人比我烂那种程度= _= ll
过了3个月,突然间有朋友走过来,“喂,MUET考得怎样?”, 我愣了, 今天出成绩咩? =_= ll 好像完全忘了这回事耶。。。。但是, 竟然不敢sms去询问成绩了, 怕死新作蒜...等到了全部人差不多知道到了, 自己才偷偷的在桌底下sms,=—=ll 反正我的成绩没有人鸟我,我也不是那种一考就考到band 6 的 gigantic red star feller. 算了啦!!band 3 就band 3,顶多不要去大学罢了, 老子在form 6就好像在大学了拉,还进去干吗??
You have
1 message from 39003
your band achieved, band 4
虾米???!? 瓦靠!!这样都band 4 O.O,真的天没眼咯!!!瓦卡咔咔~~~(奸笑中~~~)
也许使我高兴得太早,老师说,我们的水准根本没有进步, 只是不知道为什么突然间全部突然间那么高分。其实想一想,也对哦,好像我班上的副班长,本来只是band3 upper,现在竟然band 5 O.O,就连他自己都不信呢。。。另外全部band 3 lower or band 2 upper的, 统统不是band 3 upper就是badn 4 mid.这个解释些什么呢?
MUET 沦落成Matrikulasi的烂臭水准咯...........瞎子都明白阿==
不是我强,只是改考卷的人故意让我强. (PS: 看到名字前面有个Malaysia的test,少考为妙,考得好不是你聪明,不如去考singapura那个test更实际,至少standard不会被spoil掉啊,你说对否?"
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